Your Employee Experience

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2023

Employee experience (EX) wasn't really at the top of the list when you asked employers what was on their minds ten years ago.


The EX movement has gained traction in recent years. Employers began to consider how their employees felt about the entire experience, from hiring to retiring. 


But then COVID-19 swept the globe and revolutionized everything, according to a 2021 Willis Towers Watson global poll. In fact, 92% of employers responded that improving EX will be a top focus for their companies over the next three years. Just 52% of respondents said EX was significant prior to the epidemic.


But COVID-19 did more than highlight what was crucial for employers. Workers have identified what's important to them as well. As part of what is being referred to as "the great resignation," employees are quitting their positions in large numbers.


The New York Times reports that a new record was just established in November 2022: more than 4.5 million Americans...

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Hiring Speed In A Candidate-Driven Market

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2022

Jobseekers control the recruiting process in a candidate-driven market, so if yours takes too long, top talent will look to the competition to land a job more quickly. So why is this crucial for the overall success of your company?

Allow me to explain further.

First, you must understand why speed significantly enhances your hiring procedure. Businesses are now looking for qualified individuals to help them go forward as they continue to expand and adapt to the times. But finding that talent is challenging.

In today's job market, there is more demand for expertise than genuine skilled talent. In fact, the demand for some "future crucial" occupations is ridiculous, especially in fields like machine learning, cybersecurity, and quantum computing. The employment environment becomes much more challenging when you add the reality that most skilled personnel are already working.

Studies have shown that already-employed individuals may look for newer opportunities, but if the hiring process...

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Human Behavior In The Workplace

Uncategorized Oct 26, 2022

Harvard's Elton Mayo conducted one of the earliest studies on workplace behavior at AT&T's Western Electric Hawthorne Plant in 1927. His findings were later published in the Management and the Worker report by F. J. Roethlisberger and W. Dickson. Their key conclusions are still applicable today: Employees perform better on the job when given a chance to apply what they have learned to solve problems at work.

The original study sought to understand how illumination impacts workers' performance and weariness. The results showed that there are other factors at play besides only the physical environment. Just because someone was paying attention to what they were doing inspired people to work hard. They were also urged to submit ideas and engage in social interaction. It was discovered that their social requirements significantly influenced how they behaved at work.

Neither your knowledge of organizational development, marketing, or organizational development determines the success...

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10 Reasons Why Personal Development Is Essential, Despite Your Age

Uncategorized Oct 21, 2022

According to the most recent data, self-improvement products generate an estimated 9.9 billion in revenue yearly in the United States, which is an enormous amount of money. Compared to the music and film industries, which total 61 billion dollars, it appears to be very small. Or the staggering 265 billion dollar beauty business. That is a behemoth!

These astounding figures demonstrate that Americans spend over 33 times as much on entertainment (movies, music, and personal appearance) as on personal development.

The statistics, of course, aren't a major surprise because our society is based on outward appearances and immediate gratification. We all want to feel good about ourselves and have fun. However, the statistics might show how misaligned our priorities actually are.

I want to share some excellent reasons to actively pursue personal growth at any age, assuming that we could all use a quick kick in the pants to realign those priorities.

The ten benefits listed below are...

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Proven Skills-based Employee Investment Program

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2022

Top talent is a primary concern for most companies worldwide as the economy recovers in the aftermath of the pandemic. Employers now have the chance to develop new abilities within and expand their businesses rather than searching outside the organization for talent.

Employee learning and development isn't simply for retraining employees or onboarding new employees. It directly influences morale and culture by improving employee engagement, decreasing turnover, and facilitating creativity.

The transition to remote work sped up the already ongoing digital revolution and produced new business practices. It also highlighted skill shortages and the value of employee experience. As a result, concentrating on learning and development today will help organizations expand in the future. It will empower people and businesses to overcome internal and external obstacles to post-pandemic achievement.

Some of the largest worldwide corporations acknowledge the importance of learning and...

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8 Miscalculations That Cause Employees To Quit

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2022

 In the workplace, algorithms are becoming increasingly important. Many of these new technologies prove useful, from screening applicants to choosing who gets a promotion. The capacity to predict which employees would leave is possibly their most impressive and significant capability. IBM is reportedly working on a patent for an algorithm that can detect flight risk with 95% accuracy. This is a massive innovation given that we are in a candidate-driven market. 

The loss of an employee can significantly impact team morale, resulting in a cascade of low performance and productivity. Not to add that it is costly, and not just due to the loss of skill. The average time it takes to fill a job is 26 days(this number is increasing), and it costs employers up to $10,000 each hiring – possibly more, depending on the industry. The good news is that only roughly a quarter of employees quit within the first year of employment. This means you'll have plenty of time to identify...

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5 Steps To Building Self-Confidence

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2022

By Justin Quigley

Over the past few years, I have spent hundreds of hours coaching individuals, from sales professionals to CEOs, and thousands of hours in the business world. There hasn't been a single person I've worked with or coached who hasn't experienced issues with self-confidence throughout my whole career. Self-confidence is a quality that all of us need to succeed in life, yet it can be challenging to cultivate.

Here's the bottom line:

  • Everyone has the right to feel secure.
  • Each person has a right to be the best they can be, regardless of their circumstances.
  • Everyone is entitled to live the life they were born to live and leave a lasting legacy.

But why should you worry so much about your self-confidence and your coworkers? You must help your staff increase their self-confidence in your organization as a leader. When you build self-confidence, you empower those around you to do the following:

  • Work together as a group.
  • Resolve conflict.
  • Consider constructive...
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Developing A Diverse Workforce: 5 Steps to Success

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2022

Diversity and inclusiveness are two of the most difficult to prepare for and achieve when it comes to business values. An organization's ability to achieve its objectives may be hampered by systemic and unconscious bias.

The benefits can be enormous when it comes to diversity in the workplace. These benefits include a broader range of viewpoints, increased creativity, and a more positive company image. Every company's objective should be to create a more inclusive atmosphere where everyone is acknowledged and respected.

As outlined in this article, there are 5 ways to make your workplace more welcoming and diverse.

1. Education For Your Managers & Staff

There is no other way to equip your employees for success in a multicultural workplace than education and training. In doing so, they have a better appreciation for the value of fostering a diverse workplace and community and the resources available to the business to combat anti-inclusive conduct.

2. Take a Closer Look at...

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Celebrating Workplace Success: Manager Techniques

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2022

When their contributions and accomplishments are acknowledged, employees feel valued and appreciated. An employee's level of pleasure is directly related to the level of recognition they receive from their employer. Here are some ideas for recognizing your employees' achievements.

The significance of recognizing one's achievements

Productivity is, of course, a primary concern for most companies and individuals. Many people achieve one objective before moving on to the next. This strategy may be effective in the short term, but it can lead to burnout, unhappiness, and a lack of drive if left unchecked. Even success, if it isn't acknowledged, can be demoralizing.


Rewarding top performers is a must if companies want to keep them motivated and happy. Celebrations are a terrific opportunity to show gratitude for a job well done. Celebrations have a positive impact on morale, teamwork, and employee engagement. You can celebrate because of the following reasons;

  • A successful...
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The 7 Leadership Trends For 2022

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2022

2020 was a year of transformation. A transformation that no one imagined. In the second quarter of 2020, corporate executives strategized and implemented new procedures to ensure the company's survival during the pandemic. Remote work became normal as HR experts implemented new work-from-home regulations to improve employee satisfaction.

Today, corporate scholars have started issuing reports on the significant changes businesses worldwide faced during the pandemic. And the actions that leaders must take to combat persistent issues and foster an overall sense of employee well-being.

Here are 7 of the most recent leadership trends for 2022.

1. Establishing an Appropriate Culture for Remote Teams

Experts claim that culture is a company's personality. And that is true. The personality of an organization's employees has a significant impact on its culture. You can establish your culture, but it will likely not be sustained if you do not make the appropriate recruiting decisions. When you...

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